這份《品質歷程(QC Story)》案例報告是工作熊在幾年前寫的,當時僅提供留言後索取三張圖片,現在把它放寫成部落格文章給大家參考。
《品質歷程(QC Story)》的報告方式基本上就是讓寫報告者有一個可以遵循的範例,將報告寫成,讓讀報告的人可以清楚了解品質問題得來龍去脈與解決方法。如果你還不是很清楚什麼是《品質歷程(QC Story)》,可以參考這兩偏文章:
QC story品質改善歷程(故事)方法解說
News Letter: 「QC Story Sheet 單張表格」開放索取
QC story for Tranz1230 Quality Improvement
Prepared by: 工作熊
Created date: 20-Aug-2012
1. Problem Selected(主題選定):
Yield rate improvement for Tranz1230 product final assembly.
2. Why selected(為何選擇這個主題):
The target yield rate is 95% for New product Manufacture Release sign off.
3. Current Status(現況評估):
Tranz1230 got low yield rate. The yield rate trends to worse from 90.6% down to 66.1% and loses control.
4. Defect Analysis(不良原因分析):
4.1 Data collection(資料收集)
The defect mode analysis show 1) IPP RAM test fail, 2) Swiping card fail, and 3) Display fail are top three defect issues.
1) 記憶體測試不良(IPP RAM test fail) ,有58%。
2) 刷卡不良(swiping card fail),有21%。
3) 顯示不良(Display test fail) ,有9%。
4.2 Defect Symptom Analysis(不良原因分析)
As analysis and find almost the IPP RAM test fail units can be fixed by following step:
1)Disassemble top and bottom case screw.
2)Lift IPP Assembly frame parts then put it back to original position without any rework or replacement.
3)Re-screw up top and bottom case.
Reviewed the structure of Tranz1230 design. There are two zebra stripes inside the IPP Assembly that locates between both Display and System board as security junction. If the zebra disconnects between Display and System boards then unit will get IPP RAM test fail. So, we do focus on why these zebra stripes will contact fail between Display or System boards.經過分析之後發現,幾乎所有的記憶體測試不良(IPP RAM test fail)現象都可已經由下列的步驟修理回復:
1. 拆開產品上下外殼的螺絲。
2. 把安全組框(IPP Assembly frame parts)抬起,然後不做任何動作就重新放置回到原來的位置。
3. 重新鎖上螺絲。經過重新檢視整個Tranz1230產品的組裝結構後,發現這個安全組框使用兩個矽膠導電條(zebra strip rubber)當作顯示電路板與系統電路板之間的電氣訊號連接裝置,如果這兩個矽膠導電條的安裝有問題或是接觸不良,就會發生記憶體測試不良的現象。
另外我們也發現這兩個矽膠導電條如果有些接觸不良或是阻抗過大,也會連帶的引起刷卡不良(swiping card fail)及顯示不良(Display test fail)等現象。
According to above fish bone diagram, we highlighted four potential causes as action items.
Dust contaminates on contact pad of zebra or PCB. Poor Zebra location. Resistance between zebra and film over specification. Poor material of zebra or film.根據魚骨圖(要因分析圖)的結果,我們選定四個可能的主要原因採取對策:
- 電路板的接觸點或是矽膠導電條有灰塵沾污。
- 矽膠導電條的安裝不良導致變形引起接觸不良。
- 矽膠導電條與安全框軟板間阻抗異常。
- 矽膠導電條或安全框軟板來料不良。
5. Actions(改善對策):
1. Asking clear the dust and contamination before assembling the zebra stripes and IPP frame assembly parts.
–>No different for the yield rate improvement.
組裝矽膠導電條與安全框組時,要求先清除在接觸點上的所有的灰塵與沾污。(結果:品質改善無差異)2. Build a fixture to align zebra strip in the middle of SHROUD holder.
–>Yield improved.
製作矽膠導電條的組裝治具,這個治具重新定義並要求更精準的治具安裝尺寸,而且增加壓力避免矽膠導電條組裝時有變形的現象發生。(結果:良率有大幅改善)3. Making extra test fixture to test the resistance value between the zebra-strip and security-film. There is no big different for the yield rate improve after implement the test fixture.
為此我們新增製作了測試治具來檢測安全框組的電氣特性,但對於品質改善並沒有太大的幫助。(結果:品質改善無差異)4. Making extra fixture to test the zebra strip and IPP film resistance.
–>No different for the yield rate improvement.
6. Results(結果評估):
There is no big yield improvement for the Action 1, 3, and 4. We will say these three actions are failed.
For Action 2 that applying correct fixture to assemble zebra and IPP film into Shell got good result. The yield rate was improved from 66.1% to 91.5% (refer to below yield rate chart).
對策1, 3, 4對產品良率並沒有太大的改善。對策2使用正確的矽膠導電條的組裝治具後,產品良率即從66.1%上升到91.5%,獲得大幅的改善,後續良率更持續改善達到95%符合量產的良率。
7. Standardization(標準化):
SOP of TPE-01169 Rev.B was released on Apr-11-2012 and asked to apply correct assembly fixture and also add the inspection criteria for the zebra strip position checking.
標準作業指導書TPE-01169 Rev.B已經在Apr-11-2012更改並且發行,要求作業時必須使用正確的矽膠導電條的組裝治具,而且還規定矽膠導電條的檢驗標準。
8. Problems remaining(殘留問題):
Current yield rate is 97.2% and there still a defect rate needs to be improved.
9. Future plans(展望未來):
Need to focus on another zebra strip installation for the IPP ASSEMBLY. If this zebra don’t be installed well then it will bring Display fail and swiping card fail too.
仍然需要持續改善並控制另一個矽膠導電膠條的組裝,因為這個矽膠導電膠條如果組裝不良,仍然會造成刷卡不良(swiping card fail)與 顯示不良(Display test fail)。
不知道看官們有沒有發現,這樣一份「品質歷程(QC story)」報告似乎比較適合用來留存紀錄、給後人查詢之用,如果要拿這樣的Report上台報告似乎就不太合適了,要上台報告時建議用單張的品質歷程(如文章最上面的圖)講給老闆聽會比較簡潔有力。
柏拉圖分析 (Pareto Chart)介紹
問題分析與對策解決,簡介8D report方法
特性要因分析圖(Cause & effect Analysis)介紹